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Year 3 and 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Woodward

Mrs Walker

Ms Mohamed

Mr Jones

Ms Healing

Welcome to Year 3 and Year 4

3C - Miss Cassidy

3MW - Ms Mohamed and Mrs Walker

4M - Miss McCauley

4J - Mr Jones

Phase TAs - Mrs Weir, Mr McMahon, Miss McDermot, Mr WIlson and Mrs Mainwaring. 


Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2! We are very excited to welcome you all back to school. 

There's plenty here for you to explore. Please check regulary for updates and important dates for our classes. 

We are looking forward to the Summer term and sharing our exciting learning journey with you. 

Summer 1 
This half term we are working hard to learn our times tables. In June, our Y4 children will take a times tables check and all children in Years 3 and 4 can practise for this here: TIMES TABLES CHECK You have 5 seconds to answer each question so you need to be quick AND careful! Can you improve your score each time you play? Don't forget to use TT Rockstars and battle your friends and other classes!
tt rockstars.jpg

In Maths we will be learning all about place value... Use Hit the Button to become experts with our timetables. This is essential for our place value knowledge.


Reading - We read or share texts at least 3 times a day at school. We have a text that we base our English work around and this half term it begins with Featherlight for Year 3 and Myths and Legends for Year 4. We also have a book that our teachers read to us on a daily basis and we have a guided or shared reading session. 
                                                                             Year 3 
This half term, Y3 will be reading Featherlight by Peter Bunzl. Deryn s father is the lighthouse keeper on Featherstone Island, keeping the lantern lit to protect passing boats from the treacherous rocky coastline. But when an emergency arises and her parents have to travel to the mainland for help, Deryn is left alone to keep watch over the lighthouse, and she finds herself in a terrible situation when the lamp runs out of oil during a wild storm.

With a fishing boat in peril on the sea, and time running out to rescue those on board, Deryn seeks help from an unusual source. Will she be able to keep the lantern lit through the dark, dangerous night?


                                                   Year 4 
This half term, Y4 will be working on myths and legends. Specifically starting with the local myths and legends within Wirral and progressing to creating their own myth and legend. To do this our children will be creating their own characters, using character descriptions to build their imagery and start to produce settings to build up to the end goal which is to write their own narrative.
Myths and legends 2.jpg


Fit Friday!

Our children have Break the Mould teaching this term to support our children with their leadership skills. They will be working with the coaches to become mentors on our yard. They will become play leaders by the end of the term and will be used as an example in our phase.

Please ensure that you come into school dressed appropriately - white t-shirt and black shorts or a plain jogging suit. No branded tracksuits should be worn for P.E


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