Year 5 and 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Merry
Miss Flanagan
Mr Button
Welcome to Upper KS2
6D- Miss Donnelly
6M - Miss Merry
5/6F - Miss Flanagan
5A - Mr Allen
5R - Miss Roberts
Phase TAs- Mrs Unsworth, Mrs Birch, Mr Drezewski, Mr McMahon and Miss Adamson
There's plenty here for you to explore. Please check regulary for updates and important dates for our classes.
We are looking forward to the Autumn term and sharing our exciting learning journey with you.
Reading - We read or share texts at least three times a day at school. We have a text that we base our English work around. This half term starts with Tuesday in Year 5 and When The Sky Falls in Year 6. We also have a class text which we share with our pupils at the end of the day. We have daily reading sessions this looks at numerous different text types, some of our pupils have a 1:1 reading session daily aswell. Please tweet our authors and see if you get a response!
In Maths we will starting to investigate ratio and decimals, using our place value knowledge from last term. We will then be investigating the world of fractions. Hit the button is a game we use in class for our retrieval number facts. Click the link below and have a go.
Please remember to use Timestables Rockstars! We have battles weekly and we love looking at your progress!
Please remember to use Maths Shed! We have challenges weekly and we love looking at your progress!
Fit Friday!
Our children have Break the Mould teaching this term to support our children with their leadership skills. They will be working with the coaches to become mentors on our yard. They will become play leaders by the end of the term and will be used as an example in our phase.
Please ensure that you come into school dressed appropriately.