Oak Trees MAT

The Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust was established in June 2017. The Trust was set up to enhance the good working relationships and practices built up over a number of years between the schools, and all schools were judged at least to be ‘good’ in terms of OFSTED category. The trust was built on a collection of shared core values.
Our values – Collaboration, Expression, Citizenship, Inspiration
Each Trust school maintains its individuality under an operating model of aligned autonomy.
We are a Wirral based trust. We understand our locality and its context and we are proud to serve the Wirral community.
We work collaboratively to offer an excellent education and equity of opportunity to Wirral children from the age of two to eighteen.
Our culture is based on respect. We are non-hierarchical and we believe collaboration, trust and the nurturing of positive relationships brings out the best in people.
We focus on excellence of academic attainment and provision. We achieve this through high quality professional development, capacity mapping and the harnessing of talent.
We do not impose or direct; we share best practice and we map expertise throughout the organisation in order to retain, develop and motivate our staff teams.
Staff wellbeing and workload is our priority. Our People Strategy prioritises our colleagues and their wellbeing. We seek to consult and act on feedback and recommendations to alleviate workload pressures. We want our colleagues to feel motivated and valued. We have a termly Staff Forum, a Wellbeing Charter, a Support Offer and Thank you Days for all.
We provide excellence and expertise in SEND support. Oak Trees MAT has a SEND lead working centrally who consults with all schools on quality first adaptations for pupils with SEND as well as act as a Local Authority liaison and advises on SEND funding agreements. We employ our own Educational Psychologist as well as have service level agreements with the ADHD Foundation and the Speech and Language Service.
Discover more at our website.
Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust
Unit 1 - First Floor Prenton Business Park,
Prenton Way, Prenton,
CH43 3EA
Tel: 0151 203 0935
Email: admin@oaktreesmat.co.uk